دو تصویر و گزارشی کوتاه از مراسم تشییع جنازه دکتر لوکس

یکی از دوستان زحمت ارسال تصاویر و یک گزارش کوتاه از مراسم تشییع جنازه دکتر لوکس را کشیده اند که عیناً از زبان ایشان نقل می شود.

"Because of the limitations of phone camera and dial-up connection, I have found these two attached photos acceptable to be sent to you.

During the first part of funeral, eulogies were delivered by Dr. Jabedar and Dr. Lucas' wife and finally the message you prepared was read.

The final part of funeral will be held at 2pm at a Church (I think it is at St. Mary's Church Mirza Kouchak Khan St., Jomhouri Ave).
